It’s that time of the year again! The sun’s glaring, the desert’s waiting, and everyone’s favorite Bohemian fest – Coachella – is right around the corner. Before you start frantically digging through your closet or panic-ordering feathered headdresses (please don’t), take a deep breath and read our cheeky guide to looking fabulous, staying comfy, and stealing the spotlight this year. ...

From time immemorial women have had a great love for jewellery. For centuries wearing jewellery was considered feminine and enhanced their social status. Though that is no longer the case in the modern world, these days it is worn by women to feel confident and beautiful. When it comes to varieties, there are many pieces that can be picked as ...

We can all use a little more cash in our pockets. However, it is really not that hard to make a little extra money. Working a second job or toiling with a lot of overtime is not the only way. There are more enjoyable ways to make money, like going to Win Big Money and playing Golden Dragon. Win Big ...

Choosing shapewear can sometimes become an arduous task. Choosing a shapewear largely depends on the type of outerwear you are opting for. Just as not every type of bra can be worn under every type of dress, not every shapewear can be worn under every clothing. You need to be aware of which region of your body needs the right ...